The prayer room is the center of the IHOP missions base. While there is a lot of activity, teaching and ministries associated with IHOP, the 24/7 atmosphere of prayer is the heartbeat of everything that goes on. Everyone on staff commits to spend 12-24 hours a week in the prayer room, whether they are a janitor, teacher, student, bookeeper or worship leader. Like King David established a tabernacle that had singers and musicians who ministered to the Lord day and night, the prayer room gives us a place where we never cease worshiping God and interceding for our world.
The prayer room operates in sets, with singers and musicians rotating every two hours. These sets are either what they call "worship with the word" or "intercession" sets. During a worship with the word set, the band will focus on a passage from the Bible and sing about it. It's kind of like musical meditation :) It's a prayer format in which we agree with God's heart as we sing the biblical truths of who God is and what He promises to do. During the intercession set the focus is on corporate prayer centered around a specific theme. Individuals in the room are able to pray on the microphone and lead the room in prayer on a topic. These times are always centered around scriptural prayers and interwoven with music.
These two pictures are from the other day during an intercession set when Jason was leading the room in prayer for the church in America. Good times! ~Kara
-Steph d
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